Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Brazil currency

Brazil currency

Currency and Exchange

The Real is the official currency of Brazil since 1994. Tourists who visit the country can exchange foreign currency of your country at Real or exchange in Brazil in banks, brokerages and other institutions authorized to deal in foreign exchange by the Central Bank (BC).

In addition to these institutions, companies registered with the Ministry of Tourism, such as travel agencies and hotels that have an agreement with an institution authorized to operate in the foreign exchange market with the BC, can also make the switch to small values​​. A list of these locations is available on the website of BC

Exchange rates prevailing on the market are freely agreed between the buyer or seller of foreign currency and the agent authorized by the Central Bank. The BC collects the average rates charged between banks authorized to deal in foreign exchange and publishes daily on its website, which also provides a tool for currency conversion. 


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